A multi-use pedestrian and cycling route linking New Westminster, Burnaby and Vancouver, the CVG-Central Valley Greenway is a great place to walk, run, or ride. From end to end the 25km route is flat, separated and safe with many parks, shopping and transit hubs along the way. Start from either end, return via same route for a 50km out and back ride, or return on BC Parkway for a 50km loop.

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Alert: Construction and detours on Winston Street 2022
Combine Central Valley Greenway and BC Parkway on this TrailsBC Loop.
Trails BC are our advocates for expansion, sustainability and preservation of greenway trails in BC including the The Great Trail. Their website is a great resource for your next trail adventure — finding trails and maps, GPS downloads and they host many trail events. Find them at trailsbc.ca
The Translink Buzzer Blog tells everything you need to know about the CVG. Translink’s 2010 Map shows lots of places to visit and things to do along the way.

Translink CVG Map 2010

Art along the way – and useful Art at that !