This is an undulating ride and you’ll see why we call it Roller Coaster when you Wahoo! down Olund hill. It’s 40km of ups and downs, but mostly downs, and is one of our favourite rides.

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Okay I confess…do this ride just to have the most delicious SCONES in the world…at the Clayburn Store. Ask for a copy of Let’s Go Biking … for sale at the Clayburn Store!
Clayburn Store for lunch, call ahead for opening hours – they are closed Sept, Jan, May.
Things to see along the way:
Bradner Store
Corn as high as an elephant’s eye
Kiwi growing on vines
Mt. Lehman Winery!
Mt. Baker – on a clear day
Matsqui Trail
Rolling hills
Mountain views
Fraser River
And so much more!
Useful Links
Clayburn Store is Great! Check opening hours as they are closed May, September and January