Sometimes when riding we think…where in the world are we? This was certainly true as we cycled along the Great Blue Heron Way in Tsawwassen First Nation. This is a little gem of a ride near the ferry terminal, there’s a new boardwalk and quiet side streets to explore. Big plans are in the works…but for now we were pleased to see a place where ducks lined the shores and wildflowers bloomed ― a quiet oasis just outside of the big city.

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sməq̓ʷaʔ xeł ~ the Great Blue Heron Way – a trail connecting communities – is the vision of Tsawwassen First Nation Elder xwasteniya Ruth Adams. Her vision is to reconnect First Nations Communities around the Salish Sea and along the Sto:lo (Fraser River) on existing and new pathways.
This project works in partnership to interlink multi-use greenways for active transportation such as walking and cycling in communities, helps towards meaningful reconciliation for First Nations and their neighbours along a healing pathway, and gives an opportunity for Indigenous-led cultural awareness through BC and across Canada.
This short section through the Tsawwassen First Nation is a small part of the entire vision.
For more information and a link to the Trails BC presentation by Elder xwasteniya Ruth Adams visit Trails BC – The Great Blue Heron Way.

Thanks to Toby Snelgrove for this photo of a Great Blue Heron!
Alert! This boardwalk is temporarily closed due to covid. See map for detour route.

North end of the GBHW trail – note there is no access over the rails to Brunswick Point.
Useful Links
Delta bike map – pocket version available at libraries and City Hall